The Project

The main idea of the project is to foster young people’s active citizenship. In this period of economic crisis we cannot just wait and complain, we must act to build our own future with our own hands. We have planned a game-based agenda during which we’re going to simulate our daily life experiences about youth participation in the local community, about relationships among young people, NOGs and institutions. We’re going to share experiences and best practices in order to be ready to react to the crisis situations. The aim of the youth exchange is combining social inclusion with promoting and experiencing art and sustainable development. Excursions and moments of informal exchanges among the participants are foreseen. The activities will be carried out by the participants. The activities of the exchange will include: role games, simulation games, thematic workshops, team works, Cineforum, public event, meeting with local NGOs and institutions, guidedvisit to Bologna city, ice breaking games, round tables and debates.

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Youth Action in Programme

Youth in Action is a programme for all! It promotes mobility within and beyond the EU borders, non-formal learning and intercultural dialogue, and encourages the inclusion of all young people, regardless of their educational, social and cultural background.

Youth in Action is the successor of the YOUTH Programme (2000-2006). Building on the experience of the previous programmes for youth, Youth in Action is the result of a large consultation with the different stakeholders in the youth field and aims to respond to the evolutions and needs of young people at European level.

With a total budget of 885 million euros for seven years (2007-2013), the Programme supports a large variety of activities for young people and youth workers through five Actions .

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